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  • Homesteading Bundle


    Printable Homesteading Journal

    This is the ultimate Homesteading Journal!

    It simply has everything you need to keep track of what is happening on your homestead!

    The journal is broken down into three seperate Printables so you only need to print what you need.

    The Homesteading Planning and Finance Journal contains worksheets to track annual projects, monthly goals, has a monthly expense tracker, a monthly income tracker, a weekly bee keeping schedule, a weekly garden schedule, a weekly homestead schedule, weekly chore chart, garden layout planner, a monthly garden planner and a place for notes.

    The Homestead Management and Records Journal contains an area for contacts, a seed planting log, a flower tracker, an herb tracker, a vegetable tracker, a seed harvest log, a flower harvest log, an herbs harvest log, a fruit and vegetable harvest log, a produce preservation methods sheet, a preserves recipes sheet, a monthly egg production tracker, an annual egg production tracker, a beehive inspection sheet and a place for notes.

    The Homestead Market Days Tracker contains a market planner, a market preparation sheet, market inventory and price list sheet, market product sales sheet and a place for notes.

    Printable Emergency Prep Journal Coloring Pages

    This is a digital download of Emergency Prep Journal Pages. These can be printed and colored or simply left black and white. They are meant to be filled out by the new owner.
    Pages include –

    • Two different 52 week storage plans
    • 72 Hour Emergency Kit
    • Emergency Car Kit
    • Emergency Contacts
    • Emergency Info
    • Family Emergency Plan
    • Two different First Aid Kit Checklists
    • Go Bag Checklist
    • Utility Contacts

    These are perfect to print, color and hang on the refrigerator, put in your car or go bag in case of an emergency situation.

    Preparing For Shortages eBook

    It’s called Preparing For Shortages for a reason!

    There are so many things that can go wrong, but don’t worry.

    We have your back with tons of useful information on how to prepare for many types of shortages.

    Each section of this eBook offers two to three quick tips to help you prepare for electricity shortages, gas shortages, food shortages and water shortages.

    Don’t get caught off guard with no emergency preparedness plan!